The Events Calendar Plugin Review

The Events Calendar Logo

Sucuri is a comprehensive website security solution that offers a range of features to protect websites from online threats like malware, hacking, and DDoS attacks. It includes tools for real-time monitoring, malware scanning and removal, a robust web application firewall (WAF), and performance optimization through a global Content Delivery Network (CDN). Sucuri is user-friendly, scalable, and provides expert customer support, making it suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises. While it offers extensive security capabilities, the service can be costly for smaller users, and there may be a learning curve for those unfamiliar with such comprehensive security tools.

Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Value for Money

👍 What's Good

  • Comprehensive Security Suite
  • Real-Time Monitoring and Alerts
  • Global CDN and Performance Optimization
  • Expert Customer Support
  • Ease of Use
  • Scalability
  • Comprehensive Documentation
  • Frequent Updates

👎 What's Not Good

  • Cost
  • Customization Limits
  • Potential Performance Overhead
  • Learning Curve
  • Dependency on External Service


The Events Calendar plugin is a powerful and versatile tool designed for WordPress users who need an efficient way to manage and display events on their websites. Developed by Modern Tribe, this plugin offers a comprehensive solution for creating, managing, and sharing events, making it a popular choice among businesses, organizations, and individuals alike. A robust event management system is crucial for maintaining an organized and engaging online presence, whether you’re hosting small meetups, large conferences, or anything in between. The Events Calendar aims to simplify this process with its wide range of features and functionalities.

The Events Calendar | Calendar and tickets for WordPress The Events Calendar | Calendar and tickets for WordPress
  • Comprehensive Feature Set
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Flexibility and Customization
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • Integration with Other Tools
  • Robust Import and Export Features
  • Excellent Support Options
  • Cost of Pro Features
  • Learning Curve for Advanced Features
  • Limited Free Features
  • Potential Overhead for Large Events
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Key Features

Event Creation and Management

The Events Calendar plugin excels in simplifying the process of event creation and management. Here are the standout aspects:

1. User-Friendly Event Creation Interface: The plugin offers an intuitive interface for creating events, allowing users to quickly add event details such as title, description, time, date, and location. The event editor is designed to be easy to navigate, even for users with minimal technical expertise.

2. Detailed Event Descriptions: You can add comprehensive details to each event, including images, maps, organizers, and venues. This ensures that your audience has all the necessary information to attend and participate.

3. Categories and Tags: Organize your events using categories and tags. This feature helps in categorizing events for better searchability and organization, making it easier for users to find specific types of events.

4. Recurring Events: The Events Calendar supports the creation of recurring events. You can set up events that repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or on a custom schedule. This is particularly useful for ongoing classes, workshops, or meetings.

5. Event Import and Export: Import events from other calendar systems like Google Calendar, iCalendar, and more. This feature simplifies the process of transferring events from different platforms, ensuring your calendar is always up-to-date. Additionally, you can export your events for use in other applications.

6. Event Aggregator: The Event Aggregator service allows you to automatically import events from multiple sources, including Meetup, Eventbrite, and other calendar feeds. This helps in centralizing your event management and ensures you never miss an important event.

Calendar Views

The Events Calendar plugin provides a variety of calendar views to ensure that your events are displayed in a manner that best suits your website's layout and your audience's preferences. Here are the primary calendar views offered:

1. Month View: The Month View is a traditional calendar layout that displays all events for the month at a glance. Each day shows a summary of the events scheduled, allowing users to quickly see what's happening throughout the month. This view is ideal for users who prefer a comprehensive overview of upcoming events.

2. List View: The List View presents events in a chronological list format. Each event is detailed with its date, time, and description, making it easy for users to scroll through upcoming events. This view is particularly useful for users who prefer a straightforward, text-based presentation of events.

3. Day View: The Day View focuses on events occurring on a specific day. It provides a detailed agenda for the selected date, ensuring users can see all the activities planned for that day. This view is perfect for days with multiple events or for users looking to see a more detailed daily schedule.

4. Week View: The Week View offers a more detailed layout than the Month View, showing events for the entire week. It is ideal for users who want a deeper look at their weekly schedule without the clutter of a full month. This view balances between providing a comprehensive and detailed view.

5. Photo View: The Photo View is a visually appealing layout that displays events using featured images. This view is excellent for visually driven content and can make your events more engaging and attractive to your audience. Each event is represented by an image, along with key details like the title and date.

6. Map View: The Map View integrates with Google Maps to show the locations of your events. Each event is marked on the map, providing a geographic context that can be incredibly useful for events spread across different locations. This view helps users plan their attendance based on location and proximity.

Recurring Events

Recurring events are a powerful feature of The Events Calendar plugin, designed to simplify the management of events that happen on a regular basis. Here’s how the recurring events feature stands out:

1. Flexible Scheduling Options: The Events Calendar allows you to create events that repeat on a custom schedule. Whether your events are daily, weekly, monthly, or follow a more complex pattern (e.g., every first Monday of the month), the plugin provides the flexibility to set these parameters easily.

2. Simplified Management: Managing recurring events is streamlined within a single event creation interface. Once the recurrence pattern is set, you can manage all instances of the event from one place. This makes it easy to update details or make changes that will apply to all future occurrences.

3. Exclusions and Modifications: You can set exceptions within recurring events. For instance, if an event is typically held every week but needs to be skipped on a particular date, you can exclude that date from the recurrence pattern. Additionally, individual occurrences of a recurring event can be modified without affecting the entire series, offering a high degree of control.

4. Display Options: Recurring events are displayed intuitively across the various calendar views. Users can see all upcoming instances of a recurring event, helping them to plan their attendance accordingly. Each occurrence is treated as a separate event in terms of visibility and access.

5. Seamless Integration: This feature integrates smoothly with other functionalities of The Events Calendar, such as event ticketing and importing/exporting events. This ensures that recurring events are consistent across all aspects of your event management workflow.

6. Improved User Experience: For the audience, recurring events are easy to recognize and follow, thanks to clear indicators and consistent presentation in the calendar views. This feature enhances the overall user experience by ensuring important recurring activities are always visible and accessible.

Event Ticketing

The Events Calendar plugin provides robust event ticketing capabilities, allowing users to manage ticket sales and registrations directly from their WordPress site. Here are the key aspects of the event ticketing feature:

1. Seamless Integration with Event Creation: Event ticketing is seamlessly integrated into the event creation process. When creating or editing an event, you can easily add ticket options, set prices, and manage ticket availability directly within the event editor.

2. Multiple Ticket Types: The plugin supports multiple ticket types, allowing you to create different ticket categories such as General Admission, VIP, Early Bird, and more. Each ticket type can have its own pricing, availability, and sales dates, providing flexibility for various event needs.

3. Easy Payment Processing: The Events Calendar integrates with popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe, making it easy to process payments for ticket sales. This ensures a smooth and secure transaction experience for your attendees.

4. Attendee Management: Track and manage attendees efficiently. The plugin provides tools for viewing attendee lists, checking in participants, and even sending out communications directly from the dashboard. This helps in keeping everything organized and ensures you have up-to-date information about who will be attending your event.

5. Customizable Ticket Templates: Customize ticket templates to match your brand and event theme. You can add custom fields to gather additional information from attendees during the registration process, ensuring you collect all necessary details.

6. Detailed Reporting and Analytics: Access detailed reports on ticket sales and attendee data. The plugin provides insights into sales performance, revenue generated, and other key metrics, helping you analyze the success of your events and make informed decisions for future planning.

7. Integration with Third-Party Services: The ticketing feature integrates with other third-party services like WooCommerce, enabling more advanced e-commerce functionalities. This allows for greater customization and flexibility in managing ticket sales and related transactions.

8. Digital and Printable Tickets: Offer both digital and printable ticket options for attendees. Digital tickets can be easily accessed via email or mobile devices, while printable tickets provide a physical option for those who prefer it.

Event Import and Export

The Events Calendar plugin simplifies the process of importing and exporting events, ensuring your calendar is always up-to-date and integrated with other tools you use. Here are the key functionalities:

1. Easy Event Import: Import events from various sources with ease. The plugin supports importing events from Google Calendar, iCalendar, CSV files, and other calendar feeds. This allows you to consolidate events from different platforms into a single, cohesive calendar on your WordPress site.

2. Event Aggregator: The Event Aggregator service enhances the import capabilities by allowing you to automatically pull in events from multiple platforms, including Meetup, Eventbrite, and more. This feature ensures that your calendar remains comprehensive and current without requiring manual updates.

3. Bulk Import Options: Save time with bulk import options. Instead of adding events one by one, you can import multiple events simultaneously. This is particularly useful for organizations with a large number of events or those who regularly update their event listings.

4. Export Events: Export your events to other calendar systems. The Events Calendar allows you to export events in iCalendar (.ics) format, making it easy to share your events with users who prefer different calendar applications or to keep your personal calendar in sync with your website.

5. Scheduled Imports: Automate the import process with scheduled imports. Set up regular import intervals to ensure your calendar is always updated with the latest events from your chosen sources. This feature reduces manual effort and helps maintain the accuracy of your event listings.

6. Customizable Import Settings: Tailor the import settings to suit your needs. You can choose specific categories, tags, or keywords to filter events during the import process, ensuring that only relevant events are added to your calendar.

7. Conflict Management: Manage potential conflicts during the import process. The plugin provides options to handle duplicate events or overlapping details, allowing you to choose whether to merge, overwrite, or keep existing events intact.

8. Detailed Import Logs: Access detailed logs of your import activities. This helps you keep track of what events were imported, from which sources, and any issues that may have occurred during the process. These logs provide valuable insights and troubleshooting information.

Event Aggregator

The Event Aggregator is a powerful add-on for The Events Calendar plugin, designed to streamline the process of importing and managing events from multiple sources. Here’s how the Event Aggregator enhances your event management capabilities:

1. Centralized Event Import: The Event Aggregator allows you to import events from various sources into one central calendar. Supported sources include Google Calendar, Meetup, Eventbrite, iCalendar, and more. This centralization simplifies the management of events from different platforms.

2. Automated Imports: Set up automated imports to regularly pull in events from your chosen sources. This ensures that your calendar is always updated with the latest events without the need for manual intervention. You can schedule imports to run daily, weekly, or at custom intervals.

3. Versatile Import Options: Choose from a range of import options to suit your needs. You can import events from URLs, files, or directly from other calendar systems. This flexibility makes it easy to keep your event listings current and comprehensive.

4. Filtering and Customization: Filter imported events by keywords, categories, or tags to ensure only relevant events are added to your calendar. Customize import settings to match your specific requirements, ensuring that your calendar remains organized and clutter-free.

5. Conflict Resolution: The Event Aggregator includes tools to manage potential conflicts, such as duplicate events or overlapping details. You can choose to merge, overwrite, or keep existing events intact, ensuring consistency and accuracy in your event listings.

6. Detailed Import Logs: Access comprehensive logs of all import activities. These logs provide detailed information on what events were imported, from which sources, and any issues encountered during the import process. This feature aids in troubleshooting and ensures transparency.

7. Import History: View the history of all imports to track changes over time. This helps you understand the evolution of your event calendar and manage any discrepancies that may arise from repeated imports.

8. User-Friendly Interface: The Event Aggregator is designed with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to set up and manage imports. Even users with minimal technical expertise can configure and run imports efficiently.

9. Integration with Other Features: The Event Aggregator integrates seamlessly with other features of The Events Calendar, such as event ticketing and recurring events. This ensures a cohesive and comprehensive event management experience.


User Interface and Experience

The Events Calendar plugin is designed with a user-friendly interface that ensures a seamless experience for both administrators and visitors. Here are the key aspects:

1. Intuitive Dashboard: The plugin integrates smoothly into the WordPress dashboard, providing an intuitive and accessible interface for creating and managing events. The dashboard is well-organized, making it easy to navigate through various event management options.

2. Easy Event Creation: Creating events is straightforward with a clear and simple event editor. Users can quickly fill in event details, set dates, and configure settings without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

3. Front-End Experience: The front-end experience for visitors is equally smooth. Events are displayed in a visually appealing manner, with various view options such as Month, List, and Day views that cater to different user preferences.

4. Mobile Responsiveness: The plugin is fully responsive, ensuring that your events look great and function well on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. This guarantees a consistent user experience regardless of the device being used.

Integration with Other Tools

1. Seamless WordPress Integration: The Events Calendar integrates seamlessly with WordPress, leveraging its capabilities to enhance functionality. This includes compatibility with popular WordPress themes and other plugins.

2. WooCommerce Integration: For those managing ticket sales, the plugin integrates with WooCommerce to provide advanced e-commerce features. This allows for more robust ticketing solutions, including payment processing and inventory management.

3. Third-Party Services: The plugin supports integration with third-party services such as Google Calendar, Meetup, and Eventbrite, making it easy to import and manage events from these platforms. This ensures your calendar remains comprehensive and up-to-date.

Customization Options

1. Customizable Templates: The Events Calendar provides customizable templates, allowing you to match the event calendar’s appearance with your website’s branding. You can tweak the design, colors, and layout to ensure a cohesive look and feel.

2. Custom Fields: Add custom fields to events to capture additional information specific to your needs. This feature is particularly useful for specialized events that require more detailed data from attendees.

3. Hooks and Filters: For developers, the plugin offers hooks and filters that enable extensive customization and integration with other systems. This allows for advanced modifications and the creation of custom functionalities.

Mobile Responsiveness

1. Fully Responsive Design: The Events Calendar is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring that your events are displayed correctly on all devices. This includes desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

2. Mobile-Friendly Views: The plugin’s various calendar views are optimized for mobile devices. Visitors can easily browse through events, view details, and interact with the calendar without any usability issues on smaller screens.

3. Touch-Friendly Navigation: The mobile interface supports touch-friendly navigation, allowing users to swipe and tap to explore events. This enhances the user experience and makes it convenient for visitors to engage with your events on the go.

Pricing and Plans

The Events Calendar plugin offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. Users can start with the free version or upgrade to Pro for additional features and premium support. Here’s a detailed look at the available plans:

Free Plan

1. Overview: The free version of The Events Calendar provides a robust set of features to get started with event management. It includes essential functionalities such as event creation, basic calendar views, and import/export options.

2. Key Features:

  • Unlimited events
  • Basic calendar views (Month, List, and Day)
  • Event creation and management
  • Integration with Google Maps for event locations
  • Support for custom event attributes

3. Suitability: Ideal for individuals or small organizations who need a reliable event management tool without any upfront cost.

4. Pricing:

  • Free forever

Pro Plan

1. Overview: The Pro version of The Events Calendar unlocks advanced features and provides premium support. It is designed for users who need more sophisticated event management capabilities and additional customization options.

2. Key Features:

  • Everything included in the Free plan
  • Premium support
  • Additional calendar views (Week, Photo, and Map)
  • Recurring events functionality
  • Compatibility with Elementor widget
  • Custom fields for more detailed event information
  • Advanced widgets for better event display
  • Location-based event search
  • Events Manager for enhanced control over event listings
  • Shortcodes for easy embedding of events in posts and pages

3. Pricing Tiers:

  • 1 Site: $99 per year
  • 3 Sites: Higher pricing (details on the official site)
  • 10 Sites: Higher pricing (details on the official site)
  • Multisite: Higher pricing (details on the official site)
  • Unlimited: Higher pricing (details on the official site)

4. Value for Money: The Pro plan offers significant value with its advanced features and premium support, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses, large organizations, or anyone needing more comprehensive event management tools.

5. Try Before You Buy: The Events Calendar provides an option to try the plugin before purchasing the Pro version. This allows users to evaluate the additional features and see how they can benefit their specific use case.

Pros and Cons


1. Comprehensive Feature Set: The Events Calendar offers a wide range of features, from basic event creation and management to advanced functionalities like recurring events and multiple calendar views. This makes it suitable for a variety of users, from individuals to large organizations.

2. User-Friendly Interface: The plugin is designed with an intuitive interface, making it easy to create, manage, and display events. Both administrators and visitors will find the navigation and usability seamless and straightforward.

3. Flexibility and Customization: With customizable templates, custom fields, and numerous hooks and filters for developers, The Events Calendar allows for extensive customization to match your website’s branding and specific needs.

4. Mobile Responsiveness: The plugin is fully responsive, ensuring that events look great and function well on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. This enhances the user experience for mobile visitors.

5. Integration with Other Tools: The plugin integrates seamlessly with popular tools like WooCommerce, Google Calendar, Meetup, and Eventbrite. This allows for a more comprehensive and cohesive event management experience.

6. Robust Import and Export Features: The ability to import and export events from various sources, along with the Event Aggregator service, makes managing events from different platforms easy and efficient.

7. Excellent Support Options: Premium support is available with the Pro plan, ensuring that users have access to assistance when needed. The support team is knowledgeable and responsive, helping resolve issues promptly.


1. Cost of Pro Features: While the free version is quite capable, the Pro features come at a cost. For smaller organizations or individuals with limited budgets, the annual fee for the Pro plan might be a consideration.

2. Learning Curve for Advanced Features: Although the basic functionalities are user-friendly, some of the more advanced features might require a bit of a learning curve, especially for users who are not very tech-savvy.

3. Limited Free Features: The free version, while robust, lacks some advanced functionalities like recurring events, additional calendar views, and premium support. Users needing these features will need to upgrade to the Pro plan.

4. Potential Overhead for Large Events: For sites with a very large number of events, there might be some performance overhead, requiring optimization or additional server resources to maintain smooth operation.

Conclusion and Rating


The Events Calendar plugin stands out as a powerful and versatile solution for managing events on WordPress websites. Its comprehensive feature set, user-friendly interface, and flexibility make it a top choice for a wide range of users, from individuals to large organizations. The ability to create and manage events easily, coupled with advanced functionalities like recurring events, multiple calendar views, and robust import/export options, ensures that users can maintain an organized and engaging event calendar.

While the Pro version offers significant enhancements, including premium support and additional customization options, the free version is also highly functional, making it accessible to users with varying needs and budgets. The seamless integration with other tools, mobile responsiveness, and excellent support options further enhance the plugin's appeal.

Overall Rating
  • Features and Functionality: 5/5
    • Comprehensive and robust feature set covering all aspects of event management.
  • Ease of Use: 4.5/5
    • Intuitive interface, though some advanced features may require a learning curve.
  • Customization: 5/5
    • Extensive customization options to match any website's branding and needs.
  • Integration: 5/5
    • Seamless integration with popular tools and platforms.
  • Value for Money: 4/5
    • The free version is highly functional, but Pro features come at a significant cost.

Recommendations for Potential Users

  • Individuals and Small Organizations: The free version provides ample functionality for basic event management needs, making it an excellent starting point.
  • Businesses and Large Organizations: Upgrading to the Pro version is recommended for advanced features, premium support, and better customization options.
  • Developers: The plugin’s hooks and filters offer extensive customization possibilities, making it suitable for more complex requirements.


While The Events Calendar is a robust and versatile plugin, there are several alternatives available that might better suit specific needs or preferences. Here are some notable alternatives:

1. EventOn

Overview: EventOn is a popular WordPress event calendar plugin known for its visually appealing design and extensive customization options. It offers a range of features that make it suitable for various event management needs.

Key Features:

  • Highly customizable event layouts and designs
  • Recurring events and multi-day events
  • Event countdown timers and Google Maps integration
  • Support for custom event fields and filters
  • Event submission form for user-generated events


  • Visually stunning design options
  • Flexible customization and display settings
  • Good support for user-generated events


  • Some advanced features require additional add-ons
  • Learning curve for customizing event layouts

2. WP Event Manager

Overview: WP Event Manager is a lightweight and highly customizable event management plugin for WordPress. It is designed to be user-friendly and extendable, making it a good choice for users who need a simple yet powerful solution.

Key Features:

  • Front-end event submission and management
  • Event widgets and shortcodes for easy display
  • Google Maps integration for event locations
  • Support for recurring events and calendar views
  • Various add-ons for additional functionality


  • Easy to use and set up
  • Extensive add-ons for customization
  • Good support for front-end event submission


  • Basic features in the core plugin, with many functionalities requiring add-ons
  • Some users may find the need for multiple add-ons inconvenient

3. All-in-One Event Calendar by Timely

Overview: The All-in-One Event Calendar by Timely is a feature-rich event management plugin that offers a wide range of functionalities. It is known for its ease of use and comprehensive feature set, suitable for various types of events.

Key Features:

  • Multiple calendar views (Month, Week, Agenda, etc.)
  • Recurring events and import/export functionality
  • Event filtering and categorization
  • Embeddable widgets and shortcodes
  • Integration with Google Calendar and iCalendar


  • Comprehensive feature set in the free version
  • User-friendly interface with easy setup
  • Good integration with external calendars


  • Some advanced features require a paid upgrade
  • Performance can be an issue with a large number of events

4. Modern Events Calendar

Overview: Modern Events Calendar is designed to provide a sleek and modern event management experience. It offers a variety of features and customization options to create professional-looking event calendars.

Key Features:

  • Multiple calendar views and event display options
  • Booking and ticketing system integration
  • Front-end event submission and management
  • Recurring events and custom event fields
  • Integration with popular page builders like Elementor


  • Modern and attractive design
  • Extensive booking and ticketing options
  • Seamless integration with page builders


  • Some features require a Pro license
  • Can be complex for beginners to fully utilize


Each of these alternatives offers unique features and advantages that may better suit specific requirements or preferences. Users should consider their specific needs, budget, and desired functionalities when choosing an event management plugin. While The Events Calendar remains a top choice for its comprehensive features and ease of use, exploring these alternatives can provide additional options to meet varied event management needs.

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