Get Response Review

Get Response Image

GetResponse is a versatile email marketing and automation platform designed to cater to businesses of all sizes. It offers a robust suite of features including email marketing, advanced automation workflows, CRM integration, e-commerce tools, landing page creation, and webinar hosting. Known for its user-friendly interface and strong customer support, GetResponse helps businesses streamline their marketing efforts and enhance customer engagement. While its advanced features may require a learning curve, particularly in automation, the platform’s comprehensive capabilities make it a valuable tool for businesses looking to elevate their marketing strategies.

Overall Rating
Ease of Use
Value for Money

👍 What's Good

  • Comprehensive Feature Set
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Robust Automation Tools
  • E-commerce Integration
  • Strong Customer Support
  • Cost-Effective Pricing

👎 What's Not Good

  • Learning Curve for Advanced Features
  • Limited Phone Support
  • Webinar Limitations
  • Template Customization Constraints


GetResponse is a robust and versatile email marketing platform that has evolved into a comprehensive marketing solution for businesses of all sizes. Founded in 1998, GetResponse has built a strong reputation for its user-friendly interface, extensive feature set, and commitment to helping businesses grow through effective online marketing strategies. This review aims to provide a detailed examination of GetResponse's features and functionality, offering insights into how this platform can support various marketing efforts.

Key Features and Functionality

Email Marketing

Email Marketing - Get Response

GetResponse excels in its core email marketing capabilities, providing a robust set of tools that allow businesses to create, manage, and optimize their email campaigns with ease. Here’s a closer look at what GetResponse offers in this area:

  1. Email Creator and Templates
    • Drag-and-Drop Editor: GetResponse's intuitive drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to design professional-looking emails without any coding knowledge. Users can effortlessly add text, images, buttons, and other elements to their emails.
    • Pre-designed Templates: The platform offers a wide selection of professionally designed templates, catering to various industries and purposes. These templates are fully customizable, allowing businesses to tailor their emails to their brand identity.
    • Responsive Design: All templates and email designs are mobile-friendly, ensuring that your emails look great on any device, whether it's a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
  2. List Management
    • Segmentation: GetResponse allows you to segment your email lists based on various criteria such as demographics, behavior, and engagement levels. This enables you to send highly targeted and personalized emails to different segments of your audience.
    • List Hygiene: The platform includes tools for maintaining list hygiene, such as automated removal of inactive subscribers and bounce management, ensuring that your email list remains clean and engaged.
  3. Automation Workflows
    • Autoresponders: GetResponse’s autoresponder feature lets you set up automated email sequences triggered by specific actions or events, such as signing up for a newsletter or completing a purchase. This helps nurture leads and keep your audience engaged over time.
    • Advanced Automation: With GetResponse's marketing automation capabilities, you can create complex workflows using a visual workflow builder. This allows you to automate a series of actions based on user behavior, such as sending follow-up emails, tagging subscribers, or updating contact information.
  4. Analytics and Reporting
    • Email Analytics: GetResponse provides comprehensive analytics for your email campaigns, including open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and unsubscribe rates. These insights help you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
    • A/B Testing: The platform supports A/B testing for email subject lines, content, and send times. This enables you to experiment with different variables and identify what works best for your audience, optimizing your email performance.
  5. Deliverability
    • High Deliverability Rates: GetResponse is known for its high email deliverability rates, thanks to its strong relationships with major ISPs and its use of advanced email authentication protocols like DKIM, SPF, and DMARC.
    • Spam Testing: Before sending out your emails, GetResponse offers spam testing to help ensure your messages don’t end up in your subscribers’ spam folders. This increases the likelihood that your emails reach their intended recipients.

Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation - Get Response

GetResponse’s marketing automation capabilities set it apart as a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline their marketing efforts and enhance customer engagement. Here’s an in-depth look at what GetResponse offers in terms of marketing automation:

  1. Visual Workflow Builder
    • Drag-and-Drop Interface: The visual workflow builder allows users to create complex automation sequences using a simple drag-and-drop interface. This makes it easy to design and visualize automated workflows without any technical expertise.
    • Customizable Workflows: Users can create custom workflows based on specific triggers and conditions, such as user behavior, actions taken on the website, or engagement with previous emails. This enables highly personalized marketing strategies.
  2. Automation Triggers
    • Event-Based Triggers: GetResponse supports various event-based triggers, such as email opens, link clicks, form submissions, and purchase completions. These triggers initiate automated actions, ensuring timely and relevant communication with subscribers.
    • Custom Conditions: The platform allows you to set custom conditions within workflows, such as checking if a contact belongs to a specific list segment or has completed a particular action. This ensures that the right messages are sent to the right people at the right time.
  3. Advanced Segmentation
    • Behavioral Segmentation: GetResponse enables segmentation based on user behavior, such as website visits, email interactions, and purchase history. This helps in creating targeted campaigns that resonate with specific audience segments.
    • Dynamic Segments: Segments can be dynamically updated based on real-time data, ensuring that your marketing efforts are always relevant and up-to-date.
  4. Automated Campaigns
    • Drip Campaigns: GetResponse’s drip campaigns feature allows you to send a series of automated emails to nurture leads over time. You can set up these campaigns to gradually guide subscribers through the sales funnel.
    • Sales Funnels: The platform includes pre-built sales funnel templates that automate the process of attracting, engaging, and converting leads. These funnels are customizable to fit specific business needs.
  5. Scoring and Tagging
    • Lead Scoring: GetResponse provides lead scoring capabilities, enabling you to assign scores to contacts based on their interactions and engagement levels. This helps prioritize high-potential leads for sales follow-up.
    • Tagging: Contacts can be tagged based on their behavior, interests, and demographics. Tags are useful for segmenting your audience and creating highly personalized marketing campaigns.
  6. E-commerce Integrations
    • Product Recommendations: For e-commerce businesses, GetResponse offers automated product recommendations based on customer behavior and purchase history. This helps in increasing sales and improving customer experience.
    • Cart Abandonment: The platform supports automated cart abandonment emails, reminding customers of the items they left behind and encouraging them to complete their purchase.
  7. Analytics and Reporting
    • Workflow Performance: GetResponse provides detailed analytics for each workflow, allowing you to track performance metrics such as conversion rates, engagement levels, and overall effectiveness. These insights help refine and optimize your automation strategies.
    • Real-Time Data: Access to real-time data ensures that you can make immediate adjustments to your campaigns, improving their performance and relevance.

Landing Pages

Landing Pages - Get Response

GetResponse offers a comprehensive set of tools for creating high-converting landing pages, making it easier for businesses to capture leads, promote products, and drive sales. Here’s a detailed look at the landing page features:

  1. Landing Page Builder
    • Drag-and-Drop Editor: The landing page builder features a drag-and-drop interface that allows users to create visually appealing and professional-looking landing pages without any coding skills. You can easily add and arrange elements like text, images, buttons, and forms.
    • Pre-designed Templates: GetResponse provides a wide array of customizable templates designed for various purposes, such as lead generation, sales, and event registration. These templates are optimized for conversions and can be tailored to match your brand’s look and feel.
  2. Responsive Design
    • Mobile Optimization: All landing pages created with GetResponse are mobile-responsive, ensuring they look great and function well on any device. This is crucial for providing a seamless user experience and maximizing conversions across different screen sizes.
    • Preview and Testing: The platform allows you to preview your landing pages on various devices before publishing. This ensures that your pages are optimized for both desktop and mobile users.
  3. Conversion Tools
    • A/B Testing: GetResponse supports A/B testing for landing pages, enabling you to test different versions of your page to see which one performs better. You can experiment with various elements like headlines, images, and calls-to-action to optimize your conversion rates.
    • Built-in Forms: The platform includes customizable web forms that can be embedded into your landing pages. These forms are essential for capturing visitor information and growing your email list.
    • Exit Pop-ups: To reduce bounce rates and capture more leads, GetResponse allows you to add exit-intent pop-ups to your landing pages. These pop-ups can display special offers or lead capture forms when a user is about to leave the page.
  4. SEO and Analytics
    • SEO Tools: GetResponse provides tools to optimize your landing pages for search engines. You can edit meta tags, add keywords, and customize URLs to improve your page’s visibility and ranking.
    • Analytics and Tracking: Detailed analytics and tracking features allow you to monitor the performance of your landing pages. You can track metrics such as page views, unique visitors, bounce rates, and conversion rates. Integration with Google Analytics provides even deeper insights into user behavior.
  5. Integration with Email Marketing and Automation
    • Seamless Integration: Landing pages created with GetResponse integrate seamlessly with your email marketing campaigns and automation workflows. This ensures that leads captured through landing pages are automatically added to your email lists and can be nurtured through targeted campaigns.
    • Lead Scoring and Segmentation: Leads collected via landing pages can be scored and segmented based on their behavior and interaction with your content. This allows for more personalized and effective follow-up communications.
  6. E-commerce Features
    • Product Showcase: For e-commerce businesses, GetResponse offers features to showcase products directly on landing pages. You can add product images, descriptions, and purchase buttons, making it easy for visitors to buy directly from the page.
    • Payment Integrations: The platform supports integration with popular payment gateways, allowing you to accept payments directly through your landing pages. This is ideal for selling products, services, or event tickets.


Webinars - Get Response

GetResponse distinguishes itself by integrating comprehensive webinar capabilities, enabling businesses to conduct live, engaging sessions directly through the platform. Here’s a detailed look at the webinar features:

  1. Webinar Creation and Management
    • Easy Setup: Creating webinars with GetResponse is straightforward. The platform guides users through the process, from setting up the event details to customizing the registration page.
    • Customizable Registration Pages: GetResponse provides templates for registration pages that can be customized to align with your branding. These pages help capture registrant information and encourage sign-ups.
  2. Interactive Features
    • Live Chat and Q&A: During webinars, presenters can interact with attendees through live chat and Q&A sessions. This feature encourages audience participation and engagement.
    • Polls and Surveys: To gather real-time feedback and insights from attendees, GetResponse allows you to create and launch polls and surveys during your webinar. The results can be displayed live, fostering interaction and engagement.
  3. Webinar Automation
    • Automated Webinars: GetResponse supports the scheduling and broadcasting of pre-recorded webinars. This feature is ideal for reaching audiences in different time zones or offering content on-demand.
    • Follow-up Emails: Post-webinar follow-up emails can be automated to thank attendees, provide additional resources, or encourage further engagement. These emails can be customized and scheduled to go out at specific times.
  4. Presentation Tools
    • Screen Sharing: Presenters can share their screens during the webinar, making it easy to showcase presentations, software demos, or other visual content.
    • Whiteboard Feature: The whiteboard tool allows presenters to draw and highlight points in real-time, enhancing the clarity and engagement of the presentation.
    • Multimedia Integration: GetResponse supports the integration of videos, slides, and other multimedia elements into webinars. This helps in delivering dynamic and engaging presentations.
  5. Audience Management
    • Registration Management: The platform provides tools to manage and track registrant data, allowing you to monitor sign-ups, send reminders, and manage attendee lists effectively.
    • Attendee Analytics: Detailed analytics are available to track attendee behavior, such as join and leave times, engagement levels, and interaction during the webinar. This data helps in understanding audience preferences and improving future webinars.
  6. Recording and Storage
    • Webinar Recordings: GetResponse allows you to record webinars, which can be shared with attendees or used for on-demand viewing. This feature is beneficial for reaching those who could not attend the live session.
    • Cloud Storage: Recordings and other webinar-related files are stored in the cloud, making it easy to access and share them as needed.
  7. Marketing and Promotion
    • Integrated Email Marketing: Promote your webinars through GetResponse’s email marketing tools. You can send out invitations, reminders, and follow-up emails to your subscriber lists.
    • Social Media Integration: The platform supports social media promotion, allowing you to share webinar registration links and updates on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to reach a broader audience.
  8. Monetization Options
    • Paid Webinars: For businesses looking to monetize their webinars, GetResponse supports paid webinar options. You can charge a fee for registration, with integrated payment processing to handle transactions seamlessly.

E-commerce Features

E-commerce Features - Get Response

GetResponse offers a range of e-commerce features designed to help businesses sell products online, manage customer relationships, and drive revenue. Here’s a detailed look at the e-commerce capabilities:

  1. Product Listings
    • Product Catalog: GetResponse allows you to create and manage a product catalog within the platform. You can add product images, descriptions, pricing, and other relevant details, making it easy to showcase your offerings to potential customers.
    • Customizable Product Pages: The platform provides templates for product pages that can be customized to fit your brand. These pages are designed to highlight your products and encourage purchases.
  2. Shopping Cart and Checkout
    • Integrated Shopping Cart: GetResponse supports an integrated shopping cart feature, enabling customers to add products and proceed to checkout seamlessly. This reduces friction in the purchasing process and enhances user experience.
    • Secure Checkout: The platform ensures a secure checkout process with SSL encryption, protecting customer data and building trust.
  3. Payment Processing
    • Multiple Payment Gateways: GetResponse integrates with popular payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, and Square, allowing you to accept payments from a wide range of methods. This flexibility caters to different customer preferences.
    • One-Click Payments: For returning customers, GetResponse supports one-click payments, streamlining the checkout process and reducing cart abandonment rates.
  4. Sales Funnels
    • Pre-built Sales Funnels: GetResponse offers pre-built sales funnel templates that guide customers from awareness to purchase. These funnels include opt-in pages, product pages, and checkout pages, all designed to maximize conversions.
    • Customizable Funnels: Users can customize these sales funnels to align with their specific business goals and customer journeys, ensuring a personalized and effective sales process.
  5. Abandoned Cart Recovery
    • Automated Cart Abandonment Emails: GetResponse helps recover lost sales by automatically sending follow-up emails to customers who abandon their shopping carts. These emails can include reminders, special offers, or incentives to encourage customers to complete their purchases.
    • Tracking and Analytics: The platform provides detailed analytics on cart abandonment rates and recovery performance, helping you optimize your strategies to reduce abandonment.
  6. Product Recommendations
    • Personalized Recommendations: GetResponse can generate personalized product recommendations based on customer behavior and purchase history. This feature enhances the shopping experience and increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.
    • Cross-Selling and Upselling: The platform supports cross-selling and upselling strategies, allowing you to suggest related products or premium options to customers during their shopping journey.
  7. Inventory Management
    • Stock Control: GetResponse includes basic inventory management tools, helping you keep track of stock levels and manage product availability. This ensures that you never oversell or run out of popular items.
    • Low Stock Alerts: The platform can send alerts when stock levels are low, allowing you to restock in a timely manner and avoid missed sales opportunities.
  8. Analytics and Reporting
    • Sales Reports: GetResponse provides detailed sales reports, including metrics such as total sales, average order value, and customer lifetime value. These insights help you understand your business performance and identify growth opportunities.
    • Customer Insights: The platform offers analytics on customer behavior, purchase patterns, and preferences, enabling you to tailor your marketing efforts and improve customer satisfaction.
  9. Integrations
    • E-commerce Platform Integrations: GetResponse integrates with major e-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento. This allows you to synchronize your online store with GetResponse and streamline your marketing efforts.
    • Third-Party Apps: The platform also supports integration with various third-party apps and services, enhancing its functionality and enabling you to create a comprehensive e-commerce ecosystem.

CRM Integration

GetResponse provides robust CRM integration capabilities, allowing businesses to manage customer relationships effectively and streamline their marketing and sales processes. Here’s a detailed look at the CRM integration features:

  1. Built-in CRM
    • Contact Management: GetResponse’s built-in CRM enables you to manage your contacts efficiently. You can store and organize contact information, track interactions, and segment your audience based on various criteria such as behavior, purchase history, and engagement levels.
    • Pipeline Management: The CRM includes tools for managing sales pipelines. You can create multiple pipelines, customize stages, and track the progress of deals. This helps in visualizing the sales process and identifying bottlenecks.
  2. Seamless Integration with Marketing Tools
    • Email Marketing Integration: The CRM integrates seamlessly with GetResponse’s email marketing tools. You can use the contact data to create targeted email campaigns, automate follow-ups, and nurture leads effectively.
    • Marketing Automation: Contacts in the CRM can be added to marketing automation workflows. This allows for personalized communication based on their interactions and behavior, improving engagement and conversion rates.
  3. Lead Scoring and Tagging
    • Lead Scoring: GetResponse’s CRM includes lead scoring functionality, allowing you to assign scores to contacts based on their activities and interactions. This helps prioritize high-potential leads and allocate resources more effectively.
    • Tagging: You can tag contacts based on various attributes and behaviors. Tags help in organizing contacts and creating highly targeted marketing campaigns.
  4. Task Management
    • Task Creation and Assignment: The CRM allows you to create and assign tasks related to contacts and deals. This ensures that follow-ups, meetings, and other activities are tracked and completed on time.
    • Task Reminders: GetResponse provides task reminders and notifications, helping you stay on top of important activities and deadlines.
  5. Analytics and Reporting
    • Contact Analytics: The CRM offers detailed analytics on contact behavior and engagement. You can track metrics such as email opens, clicks, website visits, and purchase history to gain insights into customer preferences and needs.
    • Sales Reports: GetResponse provides comprehensive sales reports, including data on pipeline progress, deal values, and conversion rates. These insights help you monitor performance and make data-driven decisions.
  6. Third-Party CRM Integrations
    • Popular CRM Integrations: GetResponse integrates with popular third-party CRM systems such as Salesforce, HubSpot, and Zoho CRM. This allows you to synchronize data between GetResponse and your preferred CRM, ensuring consistency and enabling more efficient workflows.
    • API and Custom Integrations: For businesses with specific requirements, GetResponse offers API access, allowing for custom integrations with other software systems. This flexibility ensures that you can tailor the CRM functionality to your unique needs.
  7. Customer Journey Mapping
    • Journey Mapping Tools: The platform includes tools for mapping out customer journeys. You can visualize the various touchpoints and interactions customers have with your business, helping you understand their path from awareness to conversion.
    • Personalization: By understanding customer journeys, you can create more personalized and relevant marketing campaigns. This improves customer experience and increases the likelihood of conversion.
  8. Collaboration Features
    • Team Collaboration: GetResponse’s CRM supports team collaboration features, allowing multiple users to access and manage contacts, tasks, and pipelines. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and can contribute to the sales process.
    • User Permissions: The platform allows you to set user permissions and roles, ensuring that team members have appropriate access to information and tools based on their responsibilities.

User Experience

Interface and Usability

GetResponse is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible for users of all experience levels. Key aspects include:

  • Clean Dashboard: The dashboard is well-organized, providing easy access to all major features such as email campaigns, automation workflows, and analytics.
  • Drag-and-Drop Editors: Both the email and landing page editors are drag-and-drop, allowing for quick and easy customization without needing any coding skills.
  • Guided Tutorials: The platform offers guided tutorials and tooltips to help new users navigate and utilize the features effectively.

Templates and Customization

Customization is a significant strength of GetResponse, offering a wide range of templates and personalization options:

  • Email Templates: Over 500 pre-designed email templates are available, catering to various industries and purposes. Users can easily customize these templates to match their brand’s look and feel.
  • Landing Page Templates: A robust library of landing page templates designed to maximize conversions. These templates are also fully customizable.
  • Customizable Workflows: The marketing automation workflows can be tailored to fit specific business needs, allowing for a personalized user journey.
  • Mobile Optimization: All templates and designs are mobile-responsive, ensuring that emails and landing pages look great on any device.

Mobile App Functionality

GetResponse offers a mobile app that extends the platform’s usability, allowing marketers to manage their campaigns on the go:

  • Campaign Management: Users can create, edit, and send email campaigns directly from the app.
  • Analytics on the Go: Access key performance metrics and analytics to monitor campaign performance in real time.
  • Contact Management: Manage contacts and segmentation, ensuring your lists are always up-to-date.

Customer Support

Support Channels

GetResponse provides multiple support channels to ensure users can get help when they need it. Key support options include:

  • 24/7 Live Chat: Available around the clock, live chat support ensures that users can get real-time assistance with any issues they encounter.
  • Email Support: Users can reach out via email for detailed inquiries or if they prefer not to use live chat.
  • Phone Support: Available for MAX plan users, offering direct and personalized assistance.
  • Help Center: An extensive help center with articles, guides, and FAQs to help users troubleshoot and learn how to use the platform effectively.

Response Time

GetResponse is known for its prompt and efficient customer support. Key points include:

  • Quick Response: Live chat responses are typically immediate, ensuring minimal downtime for users.
  • Email Response Time: Email support inquiries are generally addressed within a few hours, depending on the complexity of the issue.
  • Priority Support: MAX plan users receive priority support, ensuring even faster response times.

Quality of Support

The quality of support provided by GetResponse is consistently high, with knowledgeable and helpful staff. Key aspects include:

  • Expert Knowledge: Support agents are well-trained and knowledgeable about the platform, able to provide detailed and accurate assistance.
  • Friendly Service: Users often report positive experiences with support staff, highlighting their professionalism and friendliness.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: Support teams aim to resolve issues comprehensively, providing step-by-step guidance and follow-up if necessary.


Third-Party Integrations

GetResponse seamlessly integrates with a wide array of third-party tools, enhancing its functionality and allowing for a more comprehensive marketing stack. Key integrations include:

  • E-commerce Platforms: Integrates with popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce, enabling businesses to sync customer data, track sales, and send targeted marketing campaigns.
  • CRM Systems: Compatible with major CRM systems like Salesforce, Zoho CRM, and HubSpot, facilitating efficient customer relationship management and streamlined workflows.
  • Social Media: Connects with social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, allowing users to run ads, create sign-up forms, and sync contacts.
  • Payment Gateways: Integrates with payment processors such as PayPal and Stripe, making it easy to manage transactions and automate payment-related communications.
  • Webinar Platforms: While GetResponse has its own webinar capabilities, it also integrates with other webinar platforms like Zoom and GoToWebinar for those who prefer alternative options.

API and Custom Integrations

For businesses with unique needs, GetResponse offers robust API capabilities and custom integration options:

  • GetResponse API: Provides a comprehensive API that allows developers to build custom integrations and automate various tasks. The API documentation is detailed and user-friendly, facilitating easy development.
  • Zapier Integration: Through Zapier, GetResponse can connect with over 2,000 apps, enabling complex workflows and automations without requiring coding skills.
  • Custom Workflows: Users can create custom workflows and automate processes by integrating GetResponse with their existing tools and systems, ensuring a tailored marketing solution.


GetResponse offers a range of pricing plans designed to cater to businesses of various sizes and needs. Each plan provides a set of features aimed at helping businesses grow their email marketing and overall marketing capabilities. Below is a breakdown of the available plans and what they include:

Email Marketing Plan

This plan is ideal for businesses looking to start with email marketing and build their contact list. It includes essential tools for creating and sending unlimited monthly emails.

  • Price: ₹1106.6/mo (discounted from ₹1588.1/mo)
  • Features:
    • Unlimited newsletters
    • Autoresponders
    • Websites & landing pages
    • Email & landing page templates
    • Signup forms & popups
    • 24/7 live chat support
  • Free Onboarding & Migration Support: Available with this plan, including a custom-designed email or landing page template.

Marketing Automation Plan

This is the most popular plan, designed for businesses that need advanced automation and optimization tools to convert customers effectively.

  • Price: ₹3436.9/mo (discounted from ₹4931.4/mo)
  • Features:
    • Everything in the Email Marketing plan
    • Marketing automation
    • Event-based workflows
    • Webinars
    • Advanced segmentation
    • Contact scoring
    • Sales funnels
  • Free Onboarding & Migration Support: Available with this plan, including a custom-designed email or landing page template.

Ecommerce Marketing Plan

This plan is tailored for e-commerce businesses, providing tools and integrations specifically designed to boost sales and manage customer relationships.

  • Price: ₹6932.4/mo (discounted from ₹9946.4/mo)
  • Features:
    • Everything in the Marketing Automation plan
    • Ecommerce integrations
    • Quick transactional emails
    • Abandoned cart recovery
    • Promo codes
    • Product recommendations
    • Web push notifications
  • Free Onboarding & Migration Support: Available with this plan, including a custom-designed email or landing page template.

Additional Information

  • Free Onboarding & Migration Support: All paid plans come with free onboarding and migration support to help users transition smoothly to GetResponse. This includes a custom-designed email or landing page template to get started quickly.
  • Discounted Pricing: The prices listed reflect a discounted rate, making GetResponse a cost-effective choice for businesses looking to maximize their marketing budget.

Pros and Cons


  1. Comprehensive Feature Set:
    • GetResponse offers a wide array of features, from email marketing and automation to landing pages and webinars, making it a one-stop solution for marketers.
  2. User-Friendly Interface:
    • The platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, with drag-and-drop editors and guided tutorials that simplify the process of creating campaigns and automation workflows.
  3. Robust Automation Tools:
    • Advanced marketing automation capabilities, including event-based workflows and lead scoring, enable businesses to create highly personalized and efficient marketing campaigns.
  4. E-commerce Integration:
    • Specialized features for e-commerce, such as abandoned cart recovery and product recommendations, help online retailers boost sales and manage customer relationships effectively.
  5. Strong Customer Support:
    • 24/7 live chat support, email support, and an extensive help center ensure that users can get assistance whenever they need it.
  6. Free Onboarding & Migration Support:
    • All paid plans come with free onboarding and migration support, including a custom-designed email or landing page template, which helps users get started quickly and efficiently.
  7. Cost-Effective Pricing:
    • With competitive pricing and various plans to suit different business needs, GetResponse provides good value for money, especially with the available discounts.


  1. Learning Curve for Advanced Features:
    • While the basic features are easy to use, mastering the more advanced automation tools and workflows may require some time and effort.
  2. Limited Phone Support:
    • Phone support is only available for MAX plan users, which might be a drawback for some businesses that prefer direct phone assistance.
  3. Webinar Limitations:
    • While GetResponse’s webinar features are robust, they may not be as comprehensive as standalone webinar platforms, potentially limiting advanced webinar needs.
  4. Template Customization Constraints:
    • Although there are many templates available, customization options can sometimes feel limited, particularly for users with very specific design requirements.

Alternatives to GetResponse

While GetResponse is a comprehensive tool, it might not fit every business’s needs. Here are some alternatives:

  1. Mailchimp:
    • Known for its ease of use and strong email marketing capabilities, Mailchimp is a popular choice, especially for small businesses and beginners.
  2. ActiveCampaign:
    • Offers advanced automation and CRM features, making it ideal for businesses looking for sophisticated marketing automation solutions.
  3. Constant Contact:
    • Provides a robust set of email marketing tools and excellent customer support, suitable for small to medium-sized businesses.
  4. HubSpot:
    • A powerful all-in-one marketing, sales, and service platform with advanced CRM and automation features, though it comes at a higher price point.
  5. AWeber:
    • Focused on simplicity and ease of use, AWeber is a good option for businesses that need straightforward email marketing without the complexity.

GetResponse's broad range of features and ease of use make it a compelling choice for businesses seeking an all-encompassing marketing platform. Its advanced automation capabilities, strong e-commerce tools, and reliable customer support provide significant value, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses looking to elevate their marketing strategies.


GetResponse stands out as a versatile and powerful email marketing platform that goes beyond basic email campaigns. Its comprehensive feature set, including advanced marketing automation, e-commerce tools, and webinar hosting, makes it an excellent choice for businesses looking to streamline and enhance their marketing efforts. The user-friendly interface, coupled with robust customer support and competitive pricing, further solidifies GetResponse's position as a top-tier marketing solution.

Overall Rating
  • Feature Set: 5/5
  • Usability: 4.5/5
  • Customer Support: 4.5/5
  • Integrations: 4.5/5
  • Value for Money: 4.5/5

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