Best Custom Fields and Post Types

Best WP Custom Plugins


When building a website with WordPress, the ability to tailor content to specific needs is crucial. This customization is primarily achieved through the use of custom fields and custom post types. Custom fields allow you to add additional metadata to posts and pages, enriching the content with more detailed information that can be dynamically displayed. Custom post types enable the creation of distinct classifications of content beyond the default posts and pages, such as portfolios, testimonials, or products, each with its own structured data and display rules.

To manage these custom elements efficiently, a variety of plugins are available that extend the basic WordPress functionality. These tools not only help in defining and managing custom data types but also enhance the user interface, making it easier for both developers and content managers to handle complex website architectures. Whether you're looking to add simple custom fields or develop intricate custom data structures, there's a plugin designed to meet those needs.

In this listicle, we will explore some of the best plugins for managing custom fields and post types in WordPress. We'll cover both user-friendly options for non-developers and more advanced tools that offer extensive capabilities for developers. Each plugin has been selected for its robust feature set, ease of use, and the ability to significantly improve workflow efficiency and site functionality.

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

Advanced Custom Fields, often simply referred to as ACF, stands out as one of the most popular and powerful plugins for managing custom fields in WordPress. Designed to streamline the process for developers and content managers alike, ACF allows users to add custom data fields to WordPress edit screens with minimal effort.

Key Features:

  • Flexible Content Fields: ACF supports a wide array of field types including text, textarea, number, range, email, url, password, and more, allowing for rich content customization.
  • Repeater Fields: This feature enables the creation of a set of sub-fields which can be repeated again and again while editing content, which is perfect for creating lists of similar data.
  • Flexible Layouts: The Flexible Content field acts as a blank canvas to which you can add an unlimited number of layouts, and populate them with any combination of the fields you need.
  • Integration with Other Plugins: ACF integrates seamlessly with popular plugins like Yoast SEO and WooCommerce, providing a smooth workflow for managing SEO data and ecommerce products.

Developer Focus:

From a developer’s perspective, ACF is highly extensible. It offers functions, hooks, and filters that allow developers to customize the functionality and style of the fields and the admin interface. It also supports complex fields like Google Maps, date pickers, and color pickers, which can be integrated into themes or plugins with PHP code. This makes ACF an invaluable tool for theme and plugin developers who need to provide customizable options to their users.

User Benefits:

For general users, ACF provides a straightforward interface to add custom fields without writing any code. The user-friendly field setup allows non-technical users to manage and display custom content types easily, enhancing the ability to tailor site content to precise specifications.

Advanced Custom Fields bridges the gap between developers and content managers by providing an easy-to-use yet powerful platform for custom data management. Its robust functionality and versatility make it an essential plugin for anyone looking to extend their WordPress capabilities beyond the standard offerings.

Toolset Types

Toolset Types is a powerful plugin designed to help WordPress users manage custom post types, custom taxonomies, and custom fields with ease. It is particularly beneficial for those who want to build complex websites without delving into PHP code.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Custom Post Type Management: Toolset Types allows you to create custom post types, taxonomies, and fields directly from the WordPress admin dashboard. This makes it easy to structure content such as events, products, services, and more.
  • Relationship Management: A standout feature of Toolset Types is its ability to manage relationships between different post types. This is invaluable for creating complex interconnections within your content, such as linking authors to books or products to suppliers.
  • Access Control: With Toolset Types, you can control who can access and edit your custom post types and fields, making it a good choice for websites with multiple contributors or complex editorial workflows.

Developer Focus:

Developers will appreciate Toolset Types for its ability to handle the display of custom fields and custom post types without any PHP coding required, thanks to its integration with the Toolset Views plugin. However, for those who prefer to code, it provides APIs that allow deep customizations and integration with other plugins or themes.

User Benefits:

For non-developers, Toolset Types simplifies the management of custom content without needing to understand or write code. Its interface is user-friendly, providing clear options and instructions for setting up and managing content types. The ability to handle complex content relationships visually is also a major plus for editorial teams and content managers.

Custom Post Type UI (CPT UI)

Custom Post Type UI (CPT UI) is a straightforward and highly effective plugin for creating and managing custom post types and taxonomies in WordPress. It is designed to make the process as simple as possible, making it a favorite among WordPress site builders who need to customize their site structure without complex configurations.

Key Features:

  • Ease of Use: CPT UI boasts a user-friendly interface that allows users to quickly create and manage custom post types and taxonomies without any coding knowledge. The setup process is intuitive, making it easy to add new post types to your site within minutes.
  • Integration with Other Plugins: It works seamlessly with other WordPress plugins, including Advanced Custom Fields, ensuring that users can add custom fields to their newly created post types with minimal hassle.
  • Export and Import Functionality: CPT UI includes tools to export and import your custom post types and taxonomies. This is particularly useful for developers who need to migrate settings between different WordPress installations or want to backup their configurations.

Developer Focus:

For developers, CPT UI provides hooks and filters which allow for extending its functionality or integrating it with custom themes and plugins. This level of customization ensures that developers can tailor the backend to fit the exact needs of their projects without starting from scratch.

User Benefits:

Non-developers appreciate CPT UI for its straightforward approach to adding custom content types to a WordPress site. By eliminating the need for coding, it empowers content creators and site administrators to focus more on content structure and less on the technicalities of website management.

Pods – Custom Content Types and Fields

Pods is a versatile plugin that allows users to manage custom content types and fields in WordPress. It is particularly known for its ability to extend existing content types and create new ones from scratch, providing a comprehensive solution for content management.

Key Features:

  • Advanced Content Types (ACT): Pods enables the creation of entirely new content types that are separate from standard WordPress posts and pages. This feature is especially useful for complex websites that require unique data structures.
  • Extend Existing Content: Unlike many other plugins, Pods allows you to extend existing WordPress content types (like posts and pages) and users with custom fields, enhancing the functionality of the WordPress core.
  • Custom Taxonomies and Relationships: It supports the creation of custom taxonomies and setting up relationships between different content types, facilitating the development of interconnected content.

Developer Focus:

Developers appreciate Pods for its PHP coding framework, which offers advanced customization capabilities. Through the Pods API, developers can manipulate and extend the functionality of the plugin to suit highly specific project requirements. This makes it an excellent choice for developing custom web applications or integrating with external systems.

User Benefits:

For non-technical users, Pods provides a straightforward interface for adding custom fields and content types. Its drag-and-drop UI makes it accessible to users without programming skills, allowing them to structure and manage complex content easily. The plugin also integrates well with a variety of third-party services and plugins, enhancing its versatility.

Meta Box

Meta Box is a powerful, developer-friendly plugin that provides a wide range of tools for creating custom fields and meta boxes in WordPress. It's highly regarded for its flexibility and the extensive developer features it offers, making it a top choice for advanced WordPress development projects.

Key Features:

  • Robust Field Types: Meta Box supports over 40 different field types including text, checkboxes, sliders, and even complex fields like maps and date pickers. This diversity allows developers to build detailed and specific user interfaces.
  • Custom Meta Boxes: Users can create custom meta boxes that appear on post, page, or custom post type edit screens, providing bespoke admin interfaces tailored to the needs of specific content types.
  • Conditional Logic: The plugin includes features for showing or hiding fields based on certain conditions (e.g., user selections or other field values), enhancing the content management experience.

Developer Focus:

Meta Box is particularly appealing to developers due to its powerful API and extensive documentation, which allow for deep customization and control. Developers can use Meta Box to programmatically create custom settings pages, clone fields, and integrate with multilingual plugins. The plugin also offers extensions that add additional functionality, such as creating custom Gutenberg blocks with Meta Box fields.

User Benefits:

While Meta Box is particularly developer-oriented, it also offers benefits for non-developers who are comfortable with a slightly more technical approach. The GUI for field creation, available through an extension, allows those without coding skills to set up custom fields and meta boxes using a more visual approach.

Admin Columns

Admin Columns is a unique plugin that enhances the administrative experience by allowing users to customize how information is displayed in the lists of posts, pages, custom post types, and users on the WordPress dashboard. It's particularly useful for improving the efficiency of content management processes by providing a clearer and more accessible overview of site content.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Columns: Users can add, remove, and rearrange columns in the WordPress admin area. This allows for a more tailored view that can include important metadata right on the overview screens.
  • Sorting and Filtering: Admin Columns enhances the functionality of the admin lists by allowing users to sort and filter content based on custom field values. This feature is invaluable for managing large volumes of content.
  • Inline Editing: Perhaps one of the most significant features is the ability to edit content directly from the admin list view without having to open each post or page individually. This speeds up the editing process considerably.

Developer Focus:

For developers, Admin Columns offers a pro version that includes advanced features such as creating columns programmatically and integrating with other plugins for even deeper customization. The API provided allows developers to extend functionality, tailor admin columns to specific project requirements, and optimize the backend user experience for clients.

User Benefits:

The primary advantage for non-developers is the plugin’s straightforward interface, which makes it easy to manage and view important data without navigating away from the admin list screens. This can be particularly helpful for editorial teams or site administrators who need quick access to a large array of data, improving workflow efficiency and productivity.

Pricing Comparative Table


Plugin Primary Features Developer Focus General User Benefits Pricing
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Extensive field types, repeater fields, integration with other plugins. Extensive API for customizing field functionality and admin interface. Easy to add custom fields, user-friendly interface. Free, Pro version starts at $49
Toolset Types Custom post types, taxonomies, and fields; relationship management. No PHP needed for display, API available for deeper integration. Easy management of custom types, access control settings. Starts at $69/year
Custom Post Type UI (CPT UI) Simplified creation of custom post types and taxonomies. Hooks and filters for extending functionality. User-friendly interface, no coding required. Free, Pro extension available
Pods Create and extend content types, advanced relationships. PHP coding framework, extensive API. Drag-and-drop interface, integrates with third-party services. Free, donations accepted
Meta Box Over 40 field types, custom meta boxes, conditional logic. Advanced options for creating custom settings pages, API access. GUI for non-coders via an extension. Free, premium extensions available
Admin Columns Customizable admin columns, sorting and filtering, inline editing. Pro version allows programmatic creation of columns. Enhances admin interface, quick inline edits. Free, Pro version starts at $89

Final Thoughts

In this roundup, we have explored several powerful WordPress plugins that enhance the management of custom fields and post types. Each plugin offers unique features tailored to specific needs, whether you're a developer looking for advanced customization capabilities or a non-technical user needing a user-friendly interface. Below, we provide a comparative rating out of 5 for each plugin based on key features, ease of use, developer flexibility, integration capabilities, and overall performance.

Plugin Key Features Ease of Use Developer Flexibility Integration Capabilities Overall Rating
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) 5 4 5 5 4.75
Toolset Types 4.5 4 4.5 4.5 4.5
Custom Post Type UI (CPT UI) 4 5 3.5 4 4.25
Pods 4.5 4 5 4 4.5
Meta Box 5 3.5 5 4.5 4.5
Admin Columns 4 4.5 4 4 4.25


  • Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) stands out for its comprehensive features and strong integration capabilities, making it the best overall choice for those seeking thorough customization options.
  • Toolset Types offers a balanced mix of features and ease of use, ideal for users who want robust content management without deep coding.
  • Pods and Meta Box score highly on developer flexibility, suitable for complex projects requiring advanced customization.
  • Custom Post Type UI (CPT UI) and Admin Columns are excellent for enhancing productivity and user experience in the WordPress admin, particularly appealing to non-developers.

Each of these plugins has its strengths, and the best choice depends on your specific requirements and workflow needs. Whether you prioritize ease of use, extensive customization, or integration capabilities, there is a plugin here to enhance your WordPress experience.

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